TREX QMC Workshop Spotlight
The QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop took place from 20-23 June 2022 in Mojmírovce, Slovakia. The workshop was co-organised by the TREX project, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Institute of Physics SAS (IPSAS), and the National Competence Centre for High Performance Computing (NCC for HPC).
The workshop was structured in a mix of lectures and hands-on sessions, which provided a complete theoretical overview and practical experience with the QMC methods and their application to both molecular (Quantum Package and CHAMP codes) and extended systems (TurboRVB). The codes implement the Variational and Diffusion QMC algorithms. The tutorials and training activities were managed by world-leading experts in the respective fields of QMC who all are part of the TREX European Centre of Excellence in Exascale Computing.
All 21 participants were really pleased with the event, considering the lectures very relevant for their own research and were particularly engaged during the hands-on sessions.
Here below some testimonials gathered from the participants:
Fantastic school! Excellent organisation, patient and skillful speakers, lots of topics covered in a friendly and helpful environment. If you have interest in QMC, the place to go."
This workshop was very nicely organised. Presented lectures are very useful not only for beginners but also for seasoned researchers in the electronic structure of condensed matter.”
The workshop helped to understand the powerful QMC methodology from the very basics to the ‘state of art’. By hands-on practices on well-prepared examples it provided an overview of up-to-date software tools designed in the field of many-body wave functions HPC computational methods with extreme precision.”
In addition, the workshop organised a poster competition whose winner had the opportunity to be financed as a visiting student for one week at the Institute of Physics SAS in Slovakia.
And, the poster winner is?
Out of 21 attendees Victor Vysotskiy, a Doctoral student at eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration at Lund University in Sweden, won the QMC Hands-on Summer Workshop’s Poster contest. Here below a testimonial from him on his experience in the workshop:

Read more about the TREX testimonial spotlight and join our growing community.
TREX training and education is mainly intended for practitioners, as well as HPC developers in materials science simulations, but also has a strong educational component. Its activities consist of several hands-on workshops for code users and developers, hackathons, and a final school.
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