#TurboRVBschool - Call for Poster

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Think you have interesting research and results to share with the HPC community? Share it with the HPC community with a poster at the TREX school. Exciting prizes await the winner.

Poster sessions will also be held, intended as a further and alternative opportunity to participate in the school. These sessions will be graphical posters of students/researchers/individual professionals who are working in the different areas of the QMC and HPC domain and want to make known and promote their initiatives and their research results.

The proposals must include, in addition to the data of the presenter and the presentation of the institution (informal group, voluntary association and of what type, company and company organisation name, etc.) a visual model of the presentation accompanied by an abstract of 1000 characters explaining the project or research result.

An optimal poster should include a title, images that illustrate the project or results, and a short text that summarises the main points. Dimensions must not exceed 90 x 120.

During the event, graphical posters to present their work will be displayed in the lunch and coffee break areas throughout the school days. All submitted posters will be published on the TREX website, providing high traffic and visibility for selected posters.

The best poster winners will get the opportunity to be visiting students for one week: one at the SISSA in Trieste (IT) and another winner at the CNRS in Paris (FR), all accommodation and meals are covered by the TREX project. This is a great opportunity to learn more from the HPC experts and explore Trieste or Paris at the same time.

To submit a poster, please fill out the online form below.  The deadline for contributions will be announced soon!

Submit your poster now!


Please provide an overview of the activity and indicate when results will be ready, in maximum 1000 characters.
One file only.
40 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, jpg, png.
 I confirm that I have read, understood and agreed to the TREX Privacy Policy .